Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let's Go!

Wow. Hello dear friends ...

It's so exciting to say hi to you in this first blog adventure! The theme of this blog site is Lee's Power of Wellness Adventures. During the past 8 years I've gradually built this business as a wellness coach and inspirational speaker while, at the same time, spending most of my time teaching in a local community college. I've considered myself blessed to be able to do both, and yet it's been a big challenge juggling both - more all the time. Then, last year it felt really clear to me that the time was NOW take a leap of faith - to put more energy and time into the coaching, speaking and creative projects that keep calling to me. So here I am. At the start of a full years leave of absense from the college and a grand opportunity to dive mind/body and spirit first into creative projects and adventures!

No one has supported me to take this leap more than the many amazing students I've been blessed to teach in my role at the college and, in fact, it was some of these amazing students and friends who first sugggested that I must do a blog! So, here it is and it sure feels good. A hallmark of this transition! I promise to be real and just let the inspiration flow out as it comes because that's the advice I've received (from the Universe and from friends much more blogsmart than I - you know who you are). That just feels right and it feels good. And those are pretty much the main criteria for my business and life decisions, more and more.

So, in the spirit of feeling good, I want to invite you to watch this special 4 minute You Tube video about the possibility for adventure in life that we all share. I believe any great journey starts with inspiration - and for me, its an essential tonic! I drink it in. And I have faith that it'll inspire and refresh you too :).

The video reminds me of all the little and BIG steps I've taken that led me to this one - literally thousands! For me, it feels like there are "two best things" about taking steps toward the things I most feel like doing and the person I most feel like being. One is that they have gradually and steadily led to more energy, enthusiasm and peace. Okay, that is sort of technically three things but I'm counting them as one because they all have one thing in common - they feel really, really, really good.

The truth is that most of those steps were fun to take when I took them and they continue to be fun. Let me be clear though ... not every step felt good while I was taking it! Some were a little scarey and some felt frankly super scarey! I know you know what I mean. Those are the ones you take with a good dose of faith and hope that the end will lead to good things. And thanks to the Universe and the way of it, they have.

The other best thing is that to get this far in reaching your goals, I've learned that you really have to have a LOT of help! And I mean a LOT! I've gotten extremely good at asking for help and allowing others to give it. The more I ask and allow, the more it just seems to pop up without me asking. I have this mantra now ... "if you're alive, you need help"! Help, help, help ... bring it on! We are designed to help each other ... and wow ... the bonds that have been created and/or deepened have blown me away! My friends, family and angels of all sorts are absolutely "the wind beneath my wings".

You can count on me writing about these steps and these angels often. Because these are the adventures, big and small - all precious!

Until the next time my friends, thanks for listening and I wish you perfect guidance, fun and "dreams coming true" for all your life adventures. Thank you each for sharing mine - you are my biggest inspiration and tonic!

With love ... Lee