Hi fabulous friends ...
I really do admire a good awakening (otherwise known as an “Ah Ha” moment). It’s like someone turned the light on in a dark room and we get to see and feel new things, new ideas. And if it’s a big awakening, we might feel immobilized for a while – like we’re in a state of shock. The thought we’re now awake to feels so true and yet so profoundly life altering and new that we might feel like we’re in a daze, a state of awe. Each awakening is perfectly designed to move us along on our own unique life path of learning and growing up. And I don’t know about you, but I sure feel like I’m continually growing up, and growing in to my best life.
For example, I’m re-discovering that one very good way to pump up the action on awakenings (in other words, increase the number and/or magnitude of them) is to take a big leap of faith. Take a risk, seize the opportunity to do something that makes you feel nervous. Stretch yourself. Get out of your comfort zone for a change.
Naturally this leave from college teaching has presented plenty of stretching for me. Oh yes. Lots of comfort and joy, and yet lots of challenging and life altering awakenings in the few short months of this journey thus far ... one of which means the world to me. I want to share it with you here.
During the past year, my mom has been experiencing some pretty significant health challenges, and they’ve become gradually more pressing ironically since I’ve taken this leave. I’ve chosen to really be there for her – to do research, to go with her to appointments, to spend a little more time than usual with her just to socialize. She and I are very close and my decision to do this just felt natural.
However, about a month ago I noticed that I was starting to resent all the time this was taking. It felt like, once again, I was pushing my business projects and passions to the side. They would get what was left of me after mom and my clients got the best of me. And just when I started to really get into the “why me” question, the Universe popped the answer into my head. It occurred to me, in that one beautiful moment, that the statement was not “why me” but “lucky me”. Lucky me to have this timing so perfectly aligned – to have more free time to be there for her this year. I can’t imagine the stress I would have felt trying to work at the college, maintain my business AND be there for mom! What was starting to feel like an unwanted diversion and weight turned into a jewel of an opportunity in the blink of an eye. Just one key shift in perception and I felt greatly relieved, and oh so grateful. How blessed I am to have these moments to get to know her better than ever – to spend precious time with her, to learn and love. Priceless.
And you know, that awakening would have been enough for me for a long time, but I was to be given one more biggy, just seconds after that one. The Universe said “Hey Lee ... another thing. You’ve really got to commit to your own optimal health like never before if you want to thrive this year like never before. Yes, you have a lot to balance and if you truly want to balance well, serve well, shine well and enjoy the ride, you must sock in extra time to YOU”.
Wow. I thought, really? Yes. The answer is yes Lee, really. This was one of those “I know it in my bones” awakenings. No questions. No fudging. My burning desire to be the best I can be would, once again, catapult me forward to new and valuable levels of self-care, energy and opportunity. As a mentor and friend once said, “This life we have is very dear and not come by easily. We must cherish each day as if it were our last and do what we can to keep our health shored up that we may fulfill our destiny and purpose properly.” (C.S.)
Well said! What we put in to ourselves is all that we can put out. No more, no less. So, I committed in that moment to what I call “The Art of Extreme Self-Care”. I set some healthy boundaries, called in help where I could and boosted the three additional self-care areas I knew I’d let get slack. One, my food. My body knows what it wants and doesn’t want and I am now listening like never before. That’s big – eating, shopping and cooking in new ways. Big. Two, exercise. I doubled what I was doing. Three, FUN. The leisurologist had put fun at the bottom of her list again and was/am in need of serious injections (I’ve always been one of those “you teach what you most need to learn” folks). The good thing is that once I made the decision to seize the fun, it’s been pretty easy to find ideas and partners for the ride.
So that’s it. Yes indeed. What a ride life is, right? What precious opportunities we all get. We get off balance, we wake up, and we get to choose “what’s next?” It’s a dynamic thing and that sure makes it interesting, doesn’t it?
What I thought was solely a grand opportunity to dig into my business projects and passions has turned into that and so much more. Even more important are the extra moments with mom and shoring up my health. After all, what is anything I create in my business other than a reflection of what I have to offer in that moment? It’s all connected and it’s all good. Do you know what I mean?
Life is good, all is well.
Love and light,
PS: This doesn’t mean that the thought “I don’t have enough time for my business projects” doesn’t pop up here and there. It does. But I’ve learned to breath, remind myself of the truth, notice my return to health, and smile.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Life Coach RV Update ...
Hi dear friends ...
I’ve just returned to Vancouver from a September holiday in the beautiful and sunny (mostly) Okanagan Valley. My wonderful aunt took a cruise to Alaska and I took time to enjoy her gorgeous home, 2 blocks from Skaha Lake and beach in Penticton. I’d get up at 7:00, throw on some power-walking cloths and breath in the awesome views and pine scented air surrounding me as I explored my favourite spots and noticed how much some things have changed, and how much some things feel exactly the same, 30-40 years later.
My family moved to Penticton when I was 8 years old – very close to where my aunt lives now. I remember, like it was yesterday, my cousin Freddie and I competing to win the sand castle contest, along with the rest of our third grade classmates, on Skaha beach. As I walked along that same beach last week, I could see us there and feel Fred’s presence. He was larger than life my dear cousin Fred. And today, he still feels larger than life to me, almost 18 years after his death. He is my number 1 guardian angel, just as he was in life ... always getting my attention in different ways. He lived life large and reminds me to all the time.
During the summer of 1983 I was working as a Recreation Programmer in Naramata (very close to Penticton) ... having been hired by a young woman named Sharon, who became an instant best friend to me and a woman that radically changed my life for the better (more on that for another blog). After work each day (and I mean every day!), Sharon and I would hop in the car and head down to the beach and wait for “Captain Freddie” to zoom in and pick us up in his speed boat. We’d see him coming and we’d yell “Yeah for Captain Freddie!” and he loved all the attention. He’d pick us up and we’d water ski all over Okanagan Lake for a couple of hours, laughing and skiing. Laughing and taking turns skiing – that’s all I remember. We’d clap for Captain Fred and each other – so full of energy, fun and the spirit of it all. We were just in love with each other and the beauty of the moments – it was a truly brilliant summer. Sharon and I still love to reminisce about that summer, and I know we always will. Isn’t it amazing how much pleasure we can get out of reminiscing about special times, special people? It’s all here with me. Time could never take that away. What a gift.
Speaking of pleasure, I must have stopped 10 times on the route back to Vancouver ... to breath in the changing views and scents along the way. And when I reached Abbotsford, I could smell the ocean. I’m not kidding. Maybe it was the Fraser River or the Ocean or both, but I’m telling you I could smell it and it felt like the smell of home. Yummy, yummy, yummy. How refreshing. I love that there’s room in us to love one geography and place immeasurably, and then be carried away with awe and pleasure by another as well.
Which sort of brings me to my original intent for this blog entry (got carried away with reminiscing and just went with it). As most of you know, I’m on a one year LOA from Douglas College, where I teach in the Therapeutic Recreation Program. I felt called to move my biz and passion for coaching, speaking and creating to the next level. And, as some of you know, I’d planned to buy an RV, call it the “Life Coach” and travel around quite a bit this year. Well, first I want to say thanks to all of you who love this idea, have encouraged me on it, and/or have checked in to say hi and ask “where are you in your travels?”
The update is that the RV plans are on hold for now. The passion for that part of my dream is still very much alive and I believe the time will come. For now, the Universe is guiding me perfectly to stay put in lovely Vancouver this year (with the exception of some short adventures away here and there of course). And this feels good. In fact, it feels really good.
There are many pay-offs for me staying right here for now, and it’s become clear that one of the biggest is that my mom (who lives in Vancouver as well) is experiencing some health challenges and I get to have more time and space to support her, and to learn and grow through it myself. Perfect. All is as it is meant to be. I’m so grateful for this timing and opportunity.
So, I’m continuing to coach some of my clients face to face in my Vancouver space, and some on the phone, wherever they may be (or in the case of last week, wherever we both are – me in Penticton and them in their home locale) ... going with whatever mode feels better to each person. I highly value the flexibility, and I know they do too.
I’m also busy planning for two big Keynotes and a smaller workshop booked for me to present in Sept and Oct ... and creating a green audio CD of my favourite health and happiness tools (will be available soon!). Lots on the go and yet not so much that I’m not taking time out to enjoy Vancouver in my favourite month, September. It’s my birthday month, it’s the first month of my LOA, it smells of summer and fall combined and it feels rich with presence and opportunity ... in short, it feels pretty precious to me.
And as I write that, I’m reminded again that you also feel pretty precious to me. Thanks, as always, for listening and sharing your heart.
Be well and be blessed,
PS: Once the RV and “Life Coach” come on board, you’ll be among the first to know.
I’ve just returned to Vancouver from a September holiday in the beautiful and sunny (mostly) Okanagan Valley. My wonderful aunt took a cruise to Alaska and I took time to enjoy her gorgeous home, 2 blocks from Skaha Lake and beach in Penticton. I’d get up at 7:00, throw on some power-walking cloths and breath in the awesome views and pine scented air surrounding me as I explored my favourite spots and noticed how much some things have changed, and how much some things feel exactly the same, 30-40 years later.
My family moved to Penticton when I was 8 years old – very close to where my aunt lives now. I remember, like it was yesterday, my cousin Freddie and I competing to win the sand castle contest, along with the rest of our third grade classmates, on Skaha beach. As I walked along that same beach last week, I could see us there and feel Fred’s presence. He was larger than life my dear cousin Fred. And today, he still feels larger than life to me, almost 18 years after his death. He is my number 1 guardian angel, just as he was in life ... always getting my attention in different ways. He lived life large and reminds me to all the time.
During the summer of 1983 I was working as a Recreation Programmer in Naramata (very close to Penticton) ... having been hired by a young woman named Sharon, who became an instant best friend to me and a woman that radically changed my life for the better (more on that for another blog). After work each day (and I mean every day!), Sharon and I would hop in the car and head down to the beach and wait for “Captain Freddie” to zoom in and pick us up in his speed boat. We’d see him coming and we’d yell “Yeah for Captain Freddie!” and he loved all the attention. He’d pick us up and we’d water ski all over Okanagan Lake for a couple of hours, laughing and skiing. Laughing and taking turns skiing – that’s all I remember. We’d clap for Captain Fred and each other – so full of energy, fun and the spirit of it all. We were just in love with each other and the beauty of the moments – it was a truly brilliant summer. Sharon and I still love to reminisce about that summer, and I know we always will. Isn’t it amazing how much pleasure we can get out of reminiscing about special times, special people? It’s all here with me. Time could never take that away. What a gift.
Speaking of pleasure, I must have stopped 10 times on the route back to Vancouver ... to breath in the changing views and scents along the way. And when I reached Abbotsford, I could smell the ocean. I’m not kidding. Maybe it was the Fraser River or the Ocean or both, but I’m telling you I could smell it and it felt like the smell of home. Yummy, yummy, yummy. How refreshing. I love that there’s room in us to love one geography and place immeasurably, and then be carried away with awe and pleasure by another as well.
Which sort of brings me to my original intent for this blog entry (got carried away with reminiscing and just went with it). As most of you know, I’m on a one year LOA from Douglas College, where I teach in the Therapeutic Recreation Program. I felt called to move my biz and passion for coaching, speaking and creating to the next level. And, as some of you know, I’d planned to buy an RV, call it the “Life Coach” and travel around quite a bit this year. Well, first I want to say thanks to all of you who love this idea, have encouraged me on it, and/or have checked in to say hi and ask “where are you in your travels?”
The update is that the RV plans are on hold for now. The passion for that part of my dream is still very much alive and I believe the time will come. For now, the Universe is guiding me perfectly to stay put in lovely Vancouver this year (with the exception of some short adventures away here and there of course). And this feels good. In fact, it feels really good.
There are many pay-offs for me staying right here for now, and it’s become clear that one of the biggest is that my mom (who lives in Vancouver as well) is experiencing some health challenges and I get to have more time and space to support her, and to learn and grow through it myself. Perfect. All is as it is meant to be. I’m so grateful for this timing and opportunity.
So, I’m continuing to coach some of my clients face to face in my Vancouver space, and some on the phone, wherever they may be (or in the case of last week, wherever we both are – me in Penticton and them in their home locale) ... going with whatever mode feels better to each person. I highly value the flexibility, and I know they do too.
I’m also busy planning for two big Keynotes and a smaller workshop booked for me to present in Sept and Oct ... and creating a green audio CD of my favourite health and happiness tools (will be available soon!). Lots on the go and yet not so much that I’m not taking time out to enjoy Vancouver in my favourite month, September. It’s my birthday month, it’s the first month of my LOA, it smells of summer and fall combined and it feels rich with presence and opportunity ... in short, it feels pretty precious to me.
And as I write that, I’m reminded again that you also feel pretty precious to me. Thanks, as always, for listening and sharing your heart.
Be well and be blessed,
PS: Once the RV and “Life Coach” come on board, you’ll be among the first to know.
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