Saturday, August 8, 2009

Available transportation in a leap of faith!

Thankfully, I get a lot of inspiration delivered to my laptop daily. Free of charge. I know that many of you do too. Isn’t this miraculous and wonderful? I even keep a folder of my favourite pieces, and even though I have yet to look into the contents of that folder, the words in every message vibrate with love nonetheless ... filling the folder and my environment with love. There is nothing I could do to stop it. How could I and why would I?

This little piece of brilliance showed up the other day:
“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith” (Margaret Shepherd).

The phrase “leap of faith” perfectly captures the essence of belief — a deep knowing that, no matter what, everything is going to work out just fine. We jump, not knowing what our lives will look like three months from now, and because standing still isn’t an option. “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom,” as Anais Nin so accurately describes.

Even if the excitement is hard to distinguish from anxiety at 3 a.m., a leap of faith wakes us up and makes us feel alive (spiritual cinema). How true this is!
What I’ve noticed most with this Power of Wellness Leap of Faith is this ... the speed and ease in which resources come to support me feels absolutely awesome. There is so much creativity in this space. Yowza! Ideas flow, wonderful people show up to help in their unique way, new kindred spirits show up smiling, say hello, “high five” & join me on this ride in their unique way - life certainly feels juicier.

And the best part is that I notice that whenever I realize that it’s time to turn off the flow of ideas and get still, I can. It’s like turning a tap on and off. There’s a growing confidence that whenever I want to be still or simply play, I can go there for as long as I want, and then turn the tap back on and more ideas, creativity and help will be there for me. The bounty of the Universe is awesome indeed. We show up fully and so much shows up for us.

Now to wrap up, and in the spirit of love & faith, I invite you to close your eyes, take a deep breath, tune in and ask your heart, “What leap of faith is needed for me to live my best life?” And know that whatever answer you get, it doesn’t matter so much “what” you choose, but that you DO choose. You get to choose.

As the wonderful Louise Hay says, “Life is good. All is well”.

PS: Congrats on all the leaps you've already taken! And those you're taking now. They're all fabulous and they've all prepared you perfectly for the next leap, quite naturally. Oh, and did I say thanks for tuning in and listening? Thanks for sharing this ride me? Thanks for making everything worthwhile and fun and wonderful? Well ... thanks a million and more.


  1. How perfectly timed this entry is! A coincidence? there really such a thing as coincidence or is it the universe offering what you need in the moment. I believe it is the latter.
    Taking that leap of faith is just what is needed for me right now. Knowing that once taken, amazing things are possible - a better mouse trap if you will. I know that taking that first step into the unknown is anxiety-inducing (or is it excitement in disguise?) but the alternative - standing still, as you said - is not an option, or rather not the choice I make.
    I love this post!! Perfectly timed! So, here I go, taking the leap, no... LEAP OF FAITH and knowing that everything will work out. The transportation has arrived and I am jumping on... ALL ABOARD!!

  2. Thanks Lee! I too needed to hear this. I am pregnant with our first child and boy do I ever think of how life will be changing in 6 1/2 months! Many leaps of faith to be taken as I enter this new role of motherhood, and chose the best life - not only for me but for my child :)

  3. Thanks for making my morning with your comments J and L! I'm smiling ear to ear and feel energized by your responses.
    Laura, how blessed is your child rigth now! To be feeling your love and committment to live your best life for yourself and her/him ... so nurturing - such setting the stage for a life of well being and purpose lived. Beautiful.
    I'm right here with you, taking that leap and all that it brings with it ... I support you fully, am grateful for your company, and high five you daily.
    As J. shares so perfectly ... ALL ABOARD!
    PS to all readers: If you're taking your own leap secretly, know you have friends everywhere! Thousands and thousands - and we're all cheering you on.
