Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My One Job - Caring for the Vessel ...

Just as I sat down to write this post, my inner voice prompted me to take a 5 minute “time out” for a little meditation first. Knowing that the quality of post would be better because of it, I did.

I knew that the post would be better because I would be better. I mean, what is a post but an expression of what I have to offer in this moment? How could I offer you anything other than what I have in the now? It’s not possible.

What is possible though is to put fuel into the vessel for the blog – me! Thankfully, the Universe likes to remind me (& sometimes I need regular reminders!) that I really only have ONE job on this planet. My job is to feel good. That’s it. If I run around (physically and/or mentally) thinking “I’m so busy, I have so much to do”, I lose precious energy. In short I feel bad. And when I feel bad, I lose my connection to the Divine and become less and less effective at helping myself, let alone others. As Wayne Dyer likes to say, “You can’t get sick enough to help others heal.” To be our best selves and live our best life, for ourselves and for those we love, we need to be well.

We need to feel truly good. We deserve to feel truly good. We are so well worth it! You are well worth it. I am well worth it. We are all well worth it. The earth we live on is well worth it too. Because we're one, when we feel good, the earth feels better, right? When we feel good, we’re able to show up more fully in our lives, right? Our light shines more fully. Our purpose naturally manifests itself and we feel better than ever. It’s so good to know that what I do for me, naturally I do for everyone and everything else. It’s always that way. There is nothing we could do to change that.

The wiser I get, which is another way of saying the more tuned into Universal wisdom I am, the more I understand that NOTHING is more important than that I feel good. I just love that. Let me say it again. NOTHING is more important than that I feel good. What a perfect wellness prescription for life and for a great blog post.

The feel good prescription for me and the post was a 5 minute mountain meditation. It refuelled and inspired me beautifully. I sat, breathed deeply and visualized my favourite mountain. I felt the strength of the mountain enter my being. I felt the power of the mountain fuel every cell in my body. I felt the presence of the mountain teaching me to be still. With the first breath of the meditation I felt better than I did the moment before. With the second breath, a smile came to my lips. I felt so deeply grateful for the mountain and for that precious reminder that my only job is to feel good.

And with that, I feel this post is complete. I trust that this is exactly what the Universe wanted me to share today. Thanks for listening and witnessing friends – always. I send you lots of love, and all green lights ...

PS: Do you notice that I love a good “PS”? I’m just noticing that now. Okay, here it is: If you’ve read this and you’re thinking “Yes, I get it but I’m so tired that I don’t even know what would feel good” I have two things I’d like to share with you.
First, you’ve got a lot of wonderful company. Thousands upon thousands of other beautiful souls are thinking the same thing right now. The other good news is that the Universe is fully on your side, and that’s enough power to shift anything in a moment. Second, may I suggest that you start with the simplest of things: one good, full, deep breath. And if that feels good, take another. And if you feel open to some extra help, place your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and take another 2-3 deep breaths. Now, place your attention on your heart and ask “what is needed for me to feel good, right now?” Continue breathing and just allow whatever comes up to guide you. Your heart knows. You are so loved.

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