Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer and beyond ...

Hi everyone,

A few people have been asking about my plans for the summer and next year and so I thought I'd share them here :). A perfect forum. Starting tomorrow I intend to take the next six weeks of the summer off! Ahhh. Just the thought of it feels very, very good, and so well deserved. In fact, I'm going to sign off of the computer (email, facebook, blog, twitter, everything!) for most of July. I will still see my coaching clients yet, other than that, I intend to relax, socialize, spend some time with family, walk the beaches, meditate, have fun and be quiet. Not necessarily in that order but lots of each!

Then, come mid-August I'll be planning for a partial return to Douglas College in September, at 25% of a full load for the year. It's called a one year temporary workload reduction, and I'm grateful for it - you know I love teaching and Douglas TR Students! I'll be teaching one course in the fall, and one in the winter. That will give me more time to be there for my mom (who I think I mentioned has had some health setbacks & gains over the last year) and continue tuning in to see what adventures the Universe draws to me for this beautiful journey called life and the Power of Wellness.

In the fall I see myself actually recording the POWer Up Your Life Audio CD I thought would be complete by last fall! Yes, I've certainly learned this past year that my sense of what can be done with a block of time is very skewed indeed! I have great expectations and tremendous optimism (which I wouldn't trade for anything), and, like all of us, I made choices with the options given me. I wouldn't change a thing about the past year. There are no mistakes and I'm grateful for a year full of precious life opportunties - some of which I saw coming, and many of which I couldn't have imagined. In the words of the beautiful Louise Hay, all is well. Life is good.

Beyond that? Who knows. In fact, beyond this moment, who knows? Just guessing here. What else can we do?

All of that to say that I likely won't be blogging a lot for the next year - perhaps here and there if I feel there's something truly special I'm inspired to share and know that this is the best place for it. In the meantime though, I'll be back on Facebook regularly after mid August. I love connecting with friends there. And I invite you to be my facebook friend if you're not already. It's such a simple and great way to connect, isn't it?

Also, I'll continue sending the POW newsletter out. If you want to subscribe, email me at lee@powerofwellness.com with a "yes" in the subject line, and you'll start to receive issues right away (it comes out every two months). I'm happy to say that my readership continues to grow and I'm so grateful! It's such a blessing to share, connect and learn. And so exciting to hear feedback and stories about how folks pay it forward in their own way. There's nothing I like better than hearing about the good being done. And there's so much of it.

So, thank you a hundred times for listening and for supporting me with so much joy, heart and friendship. I couldn't do what I do without it. I've known that for years and yet I seem to know it more than ever now.

Wishing you delight, love, fun, tears and the comfort of loved ones ... this summer and beyond :). You light up my life!

Love and hugs,

PS: Hope to see you on Facebook :).

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