Friday, July 31, 2009

The most valuable question I know ...

Two full months have passed since I started this full time dive into my biz and all of the creative endeavours and adventures that have come along with it. The time has passed with lightening speed as I’m been fully immersed in the creativity, freedom and flow of it. Everything I need (and more) has come to me easily and effortlessly. And, to boot, the folks that I’m creating with are equally brilliant and fun at the same time. Sounds all great, right?

Well, a couple of weeks ago I noticed that I felt really tired! And it wasn’t just the unusual summer heat. I realized that I’d been working incredibly hard and yet felt as though nothing was getting done! Sound familiar to anyone? I felt impatient, frustrated and amazed at the snail’s pace that it felt like things were moving. How frustrating to work so hard and feel like I’m getting nowhere.

As soon as I woke up to this pattern, I did a little self-coaching! And I asked a good friend to help me with it too. I applied a simple and powerful tool for moving from fear to faith – a very powerful vibrational shift indeed.

First, I sat down with pen and paper, and answered the most valuable question I know. That is “Is it true?” Here’s how it works. At the root of my frustration and impatience was the thought “I’m working hard and getting nothing done”. So I asked myself honestly, “is that true?” Right away I knew that the answer was no – it’s not true. Okay, step one is now complete.

Step two involved the paper and pen. I reflected over those two months with the help of my friend and, together, we recalled all of the work that I had accomplished during those two months and I wrote it all down. In short, I recorded the evidence of work that had been accomplished. Wow. What a huge shift took place.

The list was so long and so big that my first reaction was amazement. But this time I was amazed at how much I’d accomplished, not the other way around. I felt greatly relieved and also grateful for the incredible speed at which things were coming together! In short, my vibration shifted from frustration to faith.

The other lovely gift of this short (20 min or so) exercise is that as soon as my vibe shifted back to faith, the line of communication from the Universe to me opened up widely and I heard the precious voice of guidance say “What’s the big hurry?”. A gentle and loving nudge to slow down some opened up the space for more play time for Lee. I just love those gentle nudges. Bring them on! It’s all good. It’s all for well being ... and anything that isn’t of well being is a story.

That’s my story today ... thanks for listening friends.
PS: Now it’s time to play and an air conditioned movie theatre, good movie and some popcorn sounds pretty fabulous to me. Afternoon matinee, here I come.


  1. I LOVE the "Is it True?" question! I also love the shift that happens when it is asked. And then there is the list - almost like Michael Losier's list for 'what I want' and 'what I don't want'. Very much a perspective shifter for sure. So, have some fun! You have more than earned it - and I know this without even seeing your list of accomplishments.
    And indeed, what is the hurry? When we take time to pause and reflect, we are able to see (now here is my favourite question...) "What is possible from here?!"
    Enjoy the movie - and the air conditioning! :)
    Sending lots of love and easy breezy vibes!

  2. You write awesome comments J. Easy breezy vibes feel so "oh so good" - yes indeed.
    Together we've shared three awesome questions here J. One, is it true? Two, what's the big hurry? And three, what is possible from here?
    A 4th, for fun ... what am I feeling right now? Answer ... easy breezy, grateful vibes.
    Lots of love right back at you :).
    Thanks J.
