Friday, August 28, 2009

You're Stronger Than You Know ...

I just returned from a fabulous little visit to one of my favourite Gulf Islands ... Saltspring Island. And on the ferry ride over, I picked up a copy of the September edition of “O”, the Oprah Magazine. I was immediately attracted to the theme listed on the front cover reminding me “You’re Stronger Than You Know”. Time and time again in my life, I’ve found this to be true and so I was intrigued and eager to get my hot cup of tea, get comfy, dig into the contents and enjoy.

And enjoy I did! In particular I was inspired and gifted with one of those gems that comes your way every so often and feels like a real keeper. It came from one of my favourite authors and people - Elizabeth Lesser, Cofounder of the Omega Institute and author of Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow. She was one of four women asked by “O” to share what power meant to them, and where they find it in their lives (p. 28). Each woman was asked to finish 5 sentences. Before I go on, I’d like to offer you the sentences in case you’d like to finish them yourself before I offer my own thoughts and share the gem that really stood out for me.

1. I feel true power when ...
2. The most powerful woman I ever met was ...
3. Too often, people confuse power and ...
4. I feel least powerful when ...
5. When I need a power boost ...

Okay ... I don’t know if you finished the sentences, but I hope some of you did, and I hope you discovered (or re-discovered) something wonderful. Here’s how I choose to complete those sentences today.

I feel true power when I’m connected to Spirit, which is another way of saying when I’m taking lots of time for enjoying the great outdoors and for prayer and meditation. The most powerful woman I ever met was either Marianne Williamson (author of A Return to Love & teacher of A Course in Miracles) or Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. (Medical Scientist, author and true Mind, Body, Spirit Expert). Too often, people confuse power and status or ego. I feel least powerful when I let myself get too busy for extreme self-care (this doesn’t happen often anymore, at least not much or for long, but when it does, I sure notice when the ease and joy have “left the building!”). When I need a power boost, I breathe deeply and go outside into nature.

And here’s the gem I really love, from Elizabeth Lesser. Her answer to the “When I need a power boost...”: “I place my hand on my heart, take a deep breath, and feel my connection to everyone”. The moment I read that, I put the magazine down and followed through. What an immediate shift in energy I felt. I felt a deep sense of calm, stillness and true power ... the kind that comes from connecting to the ultimate power Source that is Spirit– always there, 24/7, vibrating peace, love, joy and the power to heal the planet and everything on it with ease. What a truly powerful feeling. I’m pretty sure that I’ve never connected to Source so deeply, so quickly before. I highly recommend that you try it yourself.

So, dear friends and readers ... I offer a toast. Here’s to owning and expressing our true power! Whatever that is for you, please breath it in and let it shine ... as my opening blog video reminds us ... we all have the power to lead.

Love and hugs to you all – I feel our connection, big time.


  1. I purchased the magazine a couple of weeks ago but have not had the chance to open it yet. I am making that 'chance' happen right NOW! Your entry has inspired/lead me to get a cup of tea and dive into the contents of Oprahs wonderful offerings. Perhaps I will share any gems I come up with when I have finished soaking in all the wisdom laid out on the pages.
    Thanks for the nudge! :) <3 j

  2. Looking forward to hearing about your gem(s) J.! Thanks for sharing your excitement!
